Capturing moments, week 37 of 2022

This weekly post compiles short photos, moments, that do not have the length of a full blog article. The post is updated during the week as the moments arrive.

Morning mist floating over the calm waters of lake Vanajavesi, obscuring the Häme castle in the distance. Copyright Niko Kotiniemi 12.9.2022

Mirrorlike calm lake, Linnansalmi. Hämeenlinna, 12.9.2022, Copyright Niko Kotiniemi. 

When the statue was uncovered a few years back (2019) it caused bit of fuss in the media, but I won't go into that in this post.

I happened to walk by, when a person who had been a part of the the statue-placement project was admiring the statue. in an ensuing conversation, I had to ask was the equine a donkey or a mule, as the ears were too large for a horse. He told me that indeed they were oversized, but that the metaphorical animal symbolized that the families had none, but farm- and household animals to listen to their sorrows when the men were at war front.

The Lotta-statue (2019), in Hämeenlinna.
In the distance, the Häme castle, as seen from Linnansalmi

As can be seen from the numerous photos, the lake Vanaja is a usually a very calm one, perfect for casual lakeside kayaking.  

On the left, Viipurintien silta (Viipuri-road bridge), 16.9.2022

Hämeenlinna, evening sun, towards Linnasalmi, 19.9.2022